Power System Transformation for Dummies
Power system transformation
understanding the challenges
Background of this site and the methodology presented
What is the purpose of this site? My objective is to provide information about the technical challenges related to the power system transformation to a not strictly technical audience. Whether you are dealing with the integration of renewables in your professional life or you are a student in environmental management preparing for your bachelor theses - this site is to help you understanding the essentials of our common challenge.
I did my best to avoid engineering jargon. Did I manage? From my insider's perspective this is even difficult to judge. Please, let me know, where I got lost in tech-talk or where you need more or better explanation. Any other comment? I will be happy to include your suggestions in the updates to come! (See impress for contact data).

Much of the methodology has been developed in collaboration with the New Climate Institute in the framework of the International Climate Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
This collaboration, resulted in a publicly available report on the "Transition towards a decarbonised electricity sector". This websites reflects many aspects of the document. You may notice slight differences, though. They are natural. Firstly, the report diggs much deeper than would be appropriate for a website. This has consequences for how to structure and present information. Secondly, discussing the results of our work with our contacts, I went on refining the methodology. In contrast to a report, incremental progress is visible here.

Report Power System Transition - New Climate Institute
First of all, thanks to the fantastic and highly driven NewClimate Team. Without them I never would have made this.
NewClimate Institute
Our ideas evolved being challenged by and in the discussions with colleagues and project partners.
Special thanks to:

About me? Look at RE-xpertise (Be warned, though: I spent much more time and care on this project here than on my own site.)

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